Friday, May 2, 2008

better late than never!


well, it's been about two months since i last posted. and there is way too much to cover, so just refer to the photos that mama will be uploading/has uploaded to my shutterfly account.

i'm having fun these days taking music and swim classes and going on playdates as well as helping mama with the weekly playgroup she coordinates. right now i am really into climbing and showing off any new skills or realizations by shouting "hey! look at me!". my language is sporadic with really clear sentences during one part of my paragraph and mumble, mumble, with some intelligible word interspersed. i've been going potty regularly now and rarely have a wet diaper even when i wake up in the morning. i'm still in love with animals and by far my favorite toys are animal related. i have lots of friends i spend time with, especially sava, emil, korinna, and arya. lately i've been singing over and over again my four favorite songs: old mcdonald had a farm, abc song, twinkle-twinkle little star, and itsy bitsy spider. i even go as far as making up my own songs and dancing my animals to them.

i turned two on april 22nd, and had a blast celebrating. i just got my final (i think) birthday present today in the mail from auntie liz. it was a blow-out of presents, cupcakes , family and friends and i had fun! my parents threw a big party for me (along with the amazing help of my gigi and cousin gracie) and i had a blast!

yesterday i started swim lessons at rinconada pool in palo alto and that place is amazing! i had so much fun swimming, practicing kicking, trying to blow bubbles but swallowing mostly water and even going down a water slide all by myself!

i will try to write more but my busy social schedule keeps me away from the computer (and also the fact that mama spends her extra time now in ceramic classes). love to you all!

xoxoxo Levi

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