Thursday, August 14, 2008

july and august

have been busy months! in the beginning of july, i went down to san diego with my parents to stay in a beach house with gigi, papa, auntie amy, uncle jason, gracie and was a blast being on the beach all day every day. unfortunately, at the end of july, both of best friends korinna and emil relocated to montreal and louisiana. i miss them so much! subsequently, playgroup is half of what it used to be. but mama is working on getting more membership again and scheduling playdates for me so that i can keep socializing.

then in august, my mama and dada went to a wedding and auntie lisa took care of me for 2 nights and 3 days with some help from baba and grandma susan. i slept, ate, and played well! and definitely bonded with auntie lisa more than ever.

the rest of summer has been great. i go to story time at the library at least (if not twice) a week, i swim at rinconada pool (they have an awesome wading pool with fountains, rides, a slide and usually lots of kids), free children's concerts at linden tree bookstore, meeting up with friends such as fumika and taichi, sava, arya and whomever i encounter on the playground. i've been taking lots of bike rides in my trailer with mama and dada and i just love sitting there even just parked outside on our patio. just recently, i also started independently riding my tricycle around our neighborhood!

lately i've been really into make-believe. i love putting on various costumes, hats, etc. my favorite thing is to act like a lion and growl and chase mama around.

here are some quotes from july that mama has been meaning to post:

"levi's a big boy, levi grow from baby. levi careful" - referring to his ever growing responsibilities as he progresses from baby to toddler to preschooler. he's been exploring the concept of baby versus 'big kid'. sometimes he's both, or just one.

"i bird" - referring to his breakfast of eggs one morning. we were talking about eggs, baby birds coming from eggs, and what were were eating. mama couldn't finish the rest of her eggs and levi seemed to not mind at all.

levi was trying to say that he wanted to eat "snap peas" but mama didn't understand clearly (duh, mama), so levi made his point clear by snapping his fingers while saying "snap" peas. mama finally got it!

and that's all folks!


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