Sunday, October 21, 2007

these last two months...

have been crazy! some good crazy and some not so good crazy. hence my negligence in updating
my blog!

in the beginning of september i went to mission beach/bay in san diego and stayed in a beach house with my gigi, papa, cousin gracie, auntie amy, and uncle jason...we had a blast! i played every day with gracie outside in the sand and enjoyed the water, birds, seashells and many sights and sounds of the ocean and bay. we rented a catamaran which i ran up and down on as we sailed the bay. it was awesome!

then right after we came home, auntie mai came for five days and i gave her a tour of stanford campus, san francisco, and my local fun hot spots such as the palo alto museum and zoo. i was captivated by her and had so much fun spending time playing and laughing with her.

then! after that, we went to san diego again on an airplane and spent more time with gigi, papa, gracie and auntie amy and it was the first time ever that mama and dada left me overnight (they had an evening wedding to go to) and i did really well! my gigi and papa took really good care of me and sadie and ruby (my two favorite dogs in the world) kept me entertained.

then...[sigh] i started coughing...and one morning woke up having a hard time breathing so my parents, beside themselves, rushed me to the e.r. there they poked and prodded me (e.g. blood test, i.v., chest xray, oxygen) and diagnosed me with croup and admitted me overnight. i did really well in the hospital, despite the fact that i was connected to an i.v. the entire time. i got to watch lots of dvds (my favorite being baby einstein's life on the farm) and visit the hospital's playroom. it was very frustrating to be connected to an iv and have my toe connected to an oxygen reader (mama called this my glow toe because there was a little red light where the sensor was) but i made do especially because i was doted on and adored by the nurses. one nurse even took me for a walk connected to my iv, so my mama and dada could eat breakfast. by the end of my walk, all of the staff told me that they were in love with me...i even gave the doctor a high five. so in better condition and in higher spirits, i was released from the hospital. the next day, i saw the doctor for a follow-up and she put me on a nebolizer with albuterol so i could breathe better as i was still wheezing quite a bit. in addition, she heard fluid in my left lung, so she gave me antibiotics because she said that it seemed that i hadn't recovered from my pneumonia in august. geesh! amazingly, i started to feel better after about 5 days and am now about back to my normal self.

and let's see...these days my normal self goes to music class every week which seems to be really enhancing my music skills as i sing along with songs or anticipate certain lyrics. and the other day, my mama witnessed me keeping a steady beat as i hit the drum with my stick. in addition, during music class i have several opportunities to help clean up and return the instruments...which i do with great pleasure, even scouting the room to find more instruments to put back in the music basket/bag.

lately i've become a master block stacker...taking objects like rocks, foam and wooden blocks, stuffed animals and stacking day i stacked blocks as tall as myself! i've been playing around with balancing and every day is an experiment as to what can stack together and how high i can stack my toys and blocks. i am very proud of myself when i am successful but also take a lot of joy in seeing my creations tumble to the ground.

my love for animals grows more and more every day. i love especially my elephant, horses and tiger. i often put them together and have dance parties with them, conversations between them, races, and put them down for "nigh-nigh".

as for my language skills, i've been asking lots of questions like: "what is that?" , "where's dada?" and "where this go?" and am acquiring new words and phrases every day...but am drawn to phrases more than single words. in addition, i like organization...i help mama put away the groceries, toys, and pick up trash at home and in the playground.

my art has been taken to a entirely new level...i now paint with watercolor and love it. i know to dip the paintbrush in the water and then the paint and then brush paint onto my paper. i also currently love color pencils. mama will upload my artwork soon to my blog.

oh and now i am a self-sufficient feeder...i am extremely skilled at getting most food into my mouth with a fork or a spoon. currently i love dipping bread and veggies into hummus or any kind of dip.
and by the way, i forgot to mention, i got my first haircut in september! mama cut off my bangs and my i am sporting a curly mullet...but i'm young and cute and can pull it off! (note before and after photos included in this post).

what can i say, i am just amazing! and one of the most fascinating people to my mama and dada. these past two months it is amazing what i have experienced and what i have accomplished!


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